Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life! What For?

“So, What do you think is the purpose of life?”

“Huh” I blurted out. What kind of question was that I thought.

“What do you think you were born for?”

“I am a computer engineer.”

“So, do you think you were born to become an engineer. What I mean to ask is that if you are successful in computer engineering then your life is complete and you are satisfied? Can you spend your life writing programs? ”

“Can’t say that. Engineering is just a way of getting me the knowledge to become successful, earn enough money and have a successful life.”

“So becoming successful is the purpose of your life?”

“Yes definitely.”

“For the purpose of conversation, let me ask you this, If you die after you become successful then you will have no regrets?”

“Hmmm, if you put it that way then no, once my family has that kind of security then, (s you bluntly put) I can die.”

“So you want to live for your family.”


“Tell me one thing then, when you were born, did you know that you were going to be a computer engineer and then that you will have a family and you have to be successful for you family to be secure after you.”

“No, of course not. They come as you get older.”

“So don’t you think goals or purpose or responsibilities are much better words to explain these things.”

Oh man … me and my big mouth.

“Yes they definitely are better words.”

“So I ask you again, let me rephrase it to you. Do you think there is something you have to do for which you were born. Something that makes your life meaningful. Don’t you think so, that otherwise your life would be like any other individual just born lived and died.?”

(She actually makes sense.)

“So you think that everyone here was born to do something, something with a purpose.”

“Well, Don’t you think so?”

“Well yes… but..”

“So what do you think is your purpose of life? What I’m asking is what is your destiny?” She asked with a smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the basis for saying ? You are born with a purpose ? Yes all those things described are responsibilities etc. But none of said stuff makes me feel that there has to be a purpose. If at all you are ready to dig it further , it might be "Desire to have family by your biological mother and father". That's it why should it be anything else !!